FAQ - Why isn't my class treated as a vector?
The tidyverse is a bit stricter than base R regarding what kind of objects are considered as vectors (see the user FAQ about this topic). Sometimes vctrs won’t treat your class as a vector when it should.
Why isn’t my list class considered a vector?
By default, S3 lists are not considered to be vectors by vctrs:
To be treated as a vector, the class must either inherit from "list"
my_explicit_list <- structure(list(), class = c("my_class", "list"))
#> [1] TRUE
Or it should implement a vec_proxy()
method that returns its input if
explicit inheritance is not possible or troublesome:
#' @export
vec_proxy.my_class <- function(x, ...) x
#> [1] FALSE
Note that explicit inheritance is the preferred way because this makes
it possible for your class to dispatch on list
methods of S3 generics:
my_generic <- function(x) UseMethod("my_generic")
my_generic.list <- function(x) "dispatched!"
#> Error in UseMethod("my_generic"): no applicable method for 'my_generic' applied to an object of class "my_class"
#> [1] "dispatched!"
Why isn’t my data frame class considered a vector?
The most likely explanation is that the data frame has not been properly constructed.
However, if you get an “Input must be a vector” error with a data frame
subclass, it probably means that the data frame has not been properly
constructed. The main cause of these errors are data frames whose base
class is not "data.frame"
my_df <- data.frame(x = 1)
class(my_df) <- c("data.frame", "my_class")
#> Error:
#> ! `my_df` must be a vector, not a <data.frame/my_class> object.
This is problematic as many tidyverse functions won’t work properly:
dplyr::slice(my_df, 1)
#> Error in `vec_slice()`:
#> ! `x` must be a vector, not a <data.frame/my_class> object.
It is generally not appropriate to declare your class to be a superclass
of another class. We generally consider this undefined behaviour (UB).
To fix these errors, you can simply change the construction of your data
frame class so that "data.frame"
is a base class, i.e. it should come
last in the class vector:
class(my_df) <- c("my_class", "data.frame")
dplyr::slice(my_df, 1)
#> x
#> 1 1